We Test Pickleball Paddles and Balls and Sound Barriers
Pickleball Sound Labs (PSL) is the sister company of Pickleball Sound Mitigation. Our role is to measure the characteristics of the sound produced by any type of paddle and any ball and to determine what a particular paddle, ball or sound barrier can do to mitigate the impact of that sound.
We do this work at our lab near Pittsburgh, PA and we also do field measurements of pickleball sound anywhere, using local pickleball players, recordings of pickleball sound and calibrated sound level microphones and world class sound measurement software.
This web site is intended to both describe our services and to provide information to those trying to avoid or solve pickleball sound problems. If you are a supplier of paddles, balls, sound barriers or you plan to construct courts or if you have courts that have sound issues, please review these pages to see if these ideas might help. Then feel free to contact us at PSL or PSM Consulting.